As my predecessors have once stated, "where to begin?" Where indeed. First off, this is not the end, only a new beginning. After being honored to serve as a knight in the game for almost 3 years, that honor has ended. I felt that this character truly deserves to be in this grand hall of past players as a knight.
Who to thank. So many friends have entered my life thru this game, nay community. Too many have made the mistake to call Hiddenworld a game. It is not. It is a community compatible to the United Nations, for it is made up of many races, religions and nationalities. All of which have entered the walls here and enjoyed each other's companionship.
Well first and foremost there is Kadayn. A truly remarkable lady that leant her love to each she touched. Stayed up late at night time and time again to share her life, wisdom and her heart to everyone. Words cannot come close in any form to thank her for the many ways she has touched my life, let alone the many others she has touched. Had that been her only contribution, it would have made her stand out among the greats, but she is also the personification of what a knight is. Honest and loyal to the position, she set the standard so high that few ever stood a chance to be her equal. One knight came close. SharaZae. A great lady, who was also dedicated and served every minute as a knight with the honor and honesty the position demands.
But the list did not stop there. I have gotten to work with a lot of great people as knights and guardians who so willingly gave their heart, soul and free time to the betterment of the game. As a matter of fact, I had the honor to work with every knight except two: Acid, Arwen Witch, Bottle Gnome, Daimonicus, Ecthelion, Emichra, Gester, Gix, Kadayn, Kiri Nector, Kiyoine, Lord Blazer, MoonSword, Jackson, Roxanne, Sac, SharaZae, Snowloch, Solace Touch, Storme. I thank each and everyone of them for the experiences we have shared together. Never got the chance to work with Kuami and Shyn Myrshyl. And of course, least I forget, the Guardians, Nick, Daim (again) and Roxanne. Never had the privilege of working with Aphy either. I think each and every one of these great players deserves a lot of gratitude from all of us for helping mold the game into what it is today.
Teammates, I have had the best. Starting with my own wife that Aphy gave me special permission to team up with. Everyone knows though, Kadayn, SharaZae and Jackson were icons when it came to my teammates. I took many a journey with each and every one of them and would do it all again tomorrow. I would also like to thank my other teammates that have come and gone, even if we were only together a brief while, it was still an honor to share the battlefield with each of you.
To everyone else I failed to mention, I am sorry. Each and every one of you has made the game special. I will always cherish the experiences we have shared, the tears we cried and the laughter that kept up going.
To the knights that come after me. That standards have been set by many great knights, mentioned above. Hold that title with pride and honor, you will be rewarded ten fold for your efforts.
Well, that is about it. As I mentioned before, it was hard to mention each and everyone that has touched my life in some way. Just know that you will always be treasured and remembered when I look back upon those days I served as a knight. Rest assured though, I will always be a friend to those that want it.
May God bless you all,