Hall of Legends - Mandark

On 2014/08/02, Mandark decided to leave the Hiddenworld behind.
His spirit remains, though, and his deeds are sung by friend and foe alike.


Days To Level762 days
Characterevil human mage

It's funny when I look at this page, considering that I wasn't planning on Halling this early. However, with the random family emergencies and the positive steps/changes that I'm making in my life to better myself, I realize that I don't have the time that I would to leisurely pop on here on a regular basis. HW was a great distraction through my troubled times and I met alot of good people on here (The list goes on, so I won't do the "Thank Mommy, Daddy, Friends, God" speech). I also realized that I don't have the time to maintain my position as a knight, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. I am choosing to Hall as a Knight. That was always something I personally wanted to do and now couldn't be a better time. I will still be around as other alts from time to time; just not as frequently as I would like. I thank you all for giving yours truly the time and energy out of your lives to hang with me. It's more appreciated than you'd know. Farewell HW.